Using Users from Active Directory via LDAP

Hi there,

a few days ago my boss came around and asked my why our company mails
are not encrypted. So he gave me the job to find a solution. While
searching the web, i've stumbled across ciphermail. It looks perfect for
us so i gave it a try. So far so good. It runs perfect in standalone
mode but no i need to get a connection to our active directory. I've
already setup a ldap server on my windows server 2012r2 and followed
this guide i've found over the net
but nothing happens. Is there a difference between tomcat 5 and 7? How
can i debug this? How can i make it work?

thank you


Bernd Müller

BMS Consulting GmbH
Bahnstr. 16
40212 Düsseldorf

E-Mail: mueller(a)
Tel.: (0211) 302 12 726

BMS Berens Mosiek Siemes Consulting GmbH
Amtsgericht Düsseldorf, HRB 41550
Geschäftsführung. Dr. Thomas Mosiek u. Dr. Andreas Siemes

E-Mails können leicht unter fremden Namen erstellt oder manipuliert
werden. Aus diesem Grund sind unsere als E-Mail verschickten Nachrichten
grundsätzlich keine rechtsverbindlichen Erklärungen. Der Inhalt dieser
E-Mail sowie eventueller Anhänge ist vertraulich, gegebenenfalls
rechtlich geschützt und ausschließlich an einen bestimmten Empfänger
gerichtet. Wenn Sie nicht der richtige Adressat sind oder diese E-Mail
versehentlich erhalten haben, informieren Sie bitte sofort den Absender
und vernichten diese E-Mail. Die Weitergabe, die Herstellung von Kopien
oder der sonstige Gebrauch durch Nicht-Adressaten ist nicht gestattet.

Hi Bernd,

The guide you refer to is an old guide and is probably no longer valid.
The guide explains how to configure an ldap connection so admin's of the
Web GUI can be looked up from ldap.

ldap can be used to store/retrieve all kinds of information. What you
want to accomplish with an ldap connection?

Kind regards,

Martijn Brinkers


On 07/14/2016 03:48 PM, Bernd Mueller wrote:

Hi there,

a few days ago my boss came around and asked my why our company mails
are not encrypted. So he gave me the job to find a solution. While
searching the web, i've stumbled across ciphermail. It looks perfect for
us so i gave it a try. So far so good. It runs perfect in standalone
mode but no i need to get a connection to our active directory. I've
already setup a ldap server on my windows server 2012r2 and followed
this guide i've found over the net
(Ciphermail Gateway Web LDAP Authentication Guide - PDF Free Download)
but nothing happens. Is there a difference between tomcat 5 and 7? How
can i debug this? How can i make it work?

CipherMail email encryption

Email encryption with support for S/MIME, OpenPGP, PDF encryption and
secure webmail pull.
