Sometimes, a space, tab, linefeed or any other whitespace appears directly before or after the “-----BEGIN ....-----“ and “----END ....-----“ header lines when copying and pasting PGP messages from a PGP application into a webmail. An example is copying a encrypted message by double clicking a HTML table cell and pasting this in a conventional mail client, or copying and pasting from a PGP application into a webmail client. Then a space will be appended in the beginning and end, which is basically invisible for the naked eye.
This causes messages to not get decrypted or verified properly in ciphermail.
Any idea of fix? Both a temporarly fix I could implement right now, and a more permanent fix.
Any fix, be it a quick fix or permanent fix, requires some code change.
It's probably one line so if you are able to compile the code yourself I
can tell you which line you can change to see whether it works.
Sometimes, a space, tab, linefeed or any other whitespace appears
directly before or after the “-----BEGIN ....-----“ and “----END
....-----“ header lines when copying and pasting PGP messages from a
PGP application into a webmail. An example is copying a encrypted
message by double clicking a HTML table cell and pasting this in a
conventional mail client, or copying and pasting from a PGP
application into a webmail client. Then a space will be appended in
the beginning and end, which is basically invisible for the naked
This causes messages to not get decrypted or verified properly in
Any idea of fix? Both a temporarly fix I could implement right now,
and a more permanent fix.
CipherMail email encryption
Open source email encryption gateway with support for S/MIME, OpenPGP
and PDF messaging.