A new version of the CipherMail email encryption gateway has been
released (2.9.0-0)
Release notes:
* Global "Skip calendar messages" property added which will skip
encryption and signing if the message is a meeting request (Outlook
cannot handle encrypted or signed meeting requests).
* PGP sign only is now supported. "Only sign when encrypt" now
also works for PGP messages. S/MIME signing is tried before PGP
signing, i.e., if a sender has a valid S/MIME signing key, the
message will be S/MIME signed. If the sender does not have a valid
S/MIME signing key but has a valid PGP signing key, the message will
be PGP signed. Signing of PDF encrypted email now also supports PGP
signing if a valid PGP signing key is available.
* Allow administrator to disable auto decryption. The PGP handler can
now be configured to not decrypt incoming email.Disabling PGP
decryption requires a change to config.xml [GATEWAY-81].
* PGP universal gateway uses non standard encoding for PGP/MIME. The
header x-pgp-encoding-format is now used to detect PGP/MIME encoding
for messages generated by PGP Universal [GATEWAY-83].
* PDF password only supports ASCII characters. Encrypted properties are
now UTF8 encoded instead of ASCII encoded [GATEWAY-82].
* Default Signature algorithm for newly generated certificates is not
SHA256 (was SHA1).
* BlackBerry add-in handling is not longer enabled by default. The
add-in is only for for BB OS 7 and lower using BIS. BB 10 does not
use BIS so for BB 10 the add-in is not required.
* PGP signatures are now created as a text signature and not as a
binary signature. This is a workaround for an Enigmail bug in
Enigmail 1.7 (http://sourceforge.net/p/enigmail/bugs/329/).
* PGP/MIME encrypted messages now use inline as default disposition.
This is similar to how Enigmail sets the disposition and allows
Mailvelope to open PGP/MIME encrypted email.
* BouncyCastle jar updated to 1.51
* Spring jars updated to 3.2.9
* Web GUI: Spring security jars updated to 3.2.5
* Web GUI: Incorrect logins are now cached for 5 min (was 1 min).
* Web GUI: Mobile settings link disabled by default since the BB add-in
is no longer enabled by default.
* Web GUI: Minor changes to settings page. Some settings were moved to
additional settings and vice versa. Some settings were grouped
Bug fix
* Startup fails if the Linux free command is localized (for example
German language). A fallback to /proc/meminfo is added if free does
not return the required info [GATEWAY-80].
* PGP/MIME signatures were invalid if a multipart message contained
extra newlines at the end of the message. Zimbra mail client added
additional empty lines at the end of a multipart message. The
additional empty lines are now removed before signing.
* Virtual Appliance: The NTP settings cannot be changed. Ubuntu 14.04
uses a different name for ntp server settings [GATEWAY-79].
Upgrade guide can be downloaded from:
Kind regards,
Martijn Brinkers
CipherMail email encryption
Open source email encryption gateway with support for S/MIME, OpenPGP
and PDF messaging.
Twitter: http://twitter.com/CipherMail