one of our clients has to make sure that the email communication with a special German governmental organziation is always encrypted.
We already added a number of email addresses and certificates to Djigo. Now we have to make sure, that if an employee of our client sends an email to an address (within this organization) for which Djigzo doesn't have a certifictae, this email should bounce to the sender, including a note, that a valid certificate is missing.
Is it possible to configure this??
Thanks for any hints.
Yes. Add the external domain (the German governmental organziation) and
set the encrypt mode of that domain to "Mandatory".
Kind regards,
Martijn Brinkers
On 05/11/2012 03:09 PM, Stefan Michael Guenther wrote:
one of our clients has to make sure that the email communication with a special German governmental organziation is always encrypted.
We already added a number of email addresses and certificates to Djigo. Now we have to make sure, that if an employee of our client sends an email to an address (within this organization) for which Djigzo doesn't have a certifictae, this email should bounce to the sender, including a note, that a valid certificate is missing.
Is it possible to configure this??
DJIGZO email encryption
Zitat von Stefan Michael Guenther <s.guenther(a)in-put.de>:
one of our clients has to make sure that the email communication
with a special German governmental organziation is always encrypted.
Just out of curiousity: Which German governmental organiziation does
use S/MIME??
I have yet to see a certificate from a gov* domain in our certstore 