nach der konfiguration von ciphermail bekomme ich die email empfang auf der ciphermail maschiene das funktioniert danach gehen die emails auf office 365.
doch der versand von office365 geht nicht über die ciphermail maschiene trotz senderconnector bei office 365
was kann es sein wo ist meine fehler.
You need to configure a send connector in O365 which sends email to the CipherMail gateway.
The problem with O365 is that you cannot tell O365 to authenticate. So you need to configure the CipherMail gateway to only accept email from the IP range used by O365. On top of that you need to only accept your domains otherwise some other O365 user can deliver email via your gateway.
The CipherMail professional version contains some additional module which configure the gateway with the correct IP range in use by O365. For the community edition, you need to configure this range manually.
For more information see Enable Soft bounce — CipherMail Documentation