lst_hoe02(a) wrote:
There is really a long way to go. We received today the following
(correspondingly) answer from a german bank to our inquiry to use
S/MIME further on to secure confidential mail:"The requested way to secure mail is not wide-spread today and we
therefore do not support it. We use the follwoing with our Business
Partners: Include all sensible data in an encrypted ZIP-Archiv
(AES-256) and send the information attached to the mail."This was from the CIO of the IT department of the bank
-No further comment-
That person probably has a note attached to the doorpost of their home:
"key is under the doormat".
I do believe that there's more ignorance in this matter among CIO's and
managers than among tech people in the field.
dagdag is just a two-character rotation of byebye.