Windows xp does not accept the root certificate

hello martjin,

i have done both:
- i imported a pfx
- i imported an exported cer from the root certificate

i do the import with the administrator user.


Andreas Schubert
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Leiter EDV
Tel. +49 7121 9463-360
Fax +49 7121 9463-150
Transline Deutschland Dr.-Ing. Sturz GmbH

Transline Deutschland ist ein Unternehmen der Sturz Gruppe (


users-bounces(a) wrote on 13.07.2009 20:43:03:

>my problem is that windows xp does
>not import the self created ( with
> djigzo )
>root certificate into the "trusted root
> certificate" store.

Did you try to import the created pfx or did you import a separate
root en intermediate (.cer file)?

Is the user a restricted user?

Kind regards

Martijn brinkers
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