PGP versus GPG


What's the difference between PGP and GPG? They do the same things, right?

Why does Djigzo choose to use PGP?


Colton Smith wrote:

What's the difference between PGP and GPG? They do the same things, right?

PGP is the company that originally created the PGP protocol (the PGP
protocol was actually created by Philip Zimmermann who sold the company
long time ago). GPG is an open source implementation of the OpenPGP
standard. So PGP and GPG are more or less similar.

Why does Djigzo choose to use PGP?

Djigzo currently only supports the S/MIME standard. S/MIME is a
different standard than OpenPGP. S/MIME uses X.509 certificates with a
hierarchical trust model whereas OpenPGP (PGP, GPG) uses PGP keys based
on a web of trust.

Even though OpenPGP and S/MIME use similar security techniques (public
key encryption, secret key encryption, digital signing etc.) S/MIME
messages and OpenPGP messages are not inter-operable.

Kind regards,

Martijn Brinkers


Djigzo open source email encryption