An update of the release candidate of the Djigzo gateway is available.
The changes since the previous release candidate (2.3.1-5):
* Incorrect URL for multiple recipients when using OTP PDF encryption
(GATEWAY-38). Reported by Phil Daws
* Support for RedHat/CentOS 6 (with help from Phil Daws)
The full release notes:
* One Time Password (OTP) PDF encryption. The OTP can be generated by
the recipient after logging into the portal.
* Email can be encrypted with additional certificates (aka escrow).
* PDF reply page and quarantine viewer now supports multiple
languages (de, en, nl). German translation by Stefan Michael Guenther.
* The message with the encrypted PDF can be digitally signed.
* EJBCA integration added (certificates can be requested from an
EJBCA server).
* Login pages (admin and portal) now contain a brute-force filter
that blocks access for some time if IP/user tried
to login with incorrect credentials in short timeframe.
* Default password length is now 16 bytes (128 bits)
* The URL for PDF and quarantine view has been changed from
/external/* to /web/portal/*
* Some CSS changes: fonts bigger, background color white
and other minor changes.
* The portal functionality (PDF reply, external quarantine view) are
now in separate war file (djigzo-portal.war)
* SMS settings removed from the main settings page to a separate
setting pages
* Support for RedHat/CentOS 6
Bug fix
* The wildcard domains were not functioning correctly.
The release candidate and updated documentation can be downloaded from:
Upgrade guide
Kind regards,
Martijn Brinkers
Djigzo open source email encryption