Mail gets encrypted but not decrypted

Hi there

My setup is like this

Mailcow email server - Forwards emails to ciphermail when sending email. Emails gets encrypted perfectly fine.

My mx records is the ciphermail server, that then receives all mail as well, and forwards it to mailcow but. When people send me an encrypted email, it does not get decrypted, it just forwards the encrypted email

What do i do wrong ?

Right now the ciphermail is set for external. Isen’t there a feature to let it handle both the encryption and decryption ?

The two most likely reasons your email is not decrypted are:

  1. You did not configure your own domain as an Internal domain (see Users — CipherMail Documentation)
  2. You do not have the private key for the email. If this is the case, the MPA log should tell you that there was no private key.