WSDL SOAP-Descriptiondocument


exist a WSDL-Document with the possible SOAP-Interface Services and
Types from the Djigzo-Backend ?

King Regards,

Sven Kusig

There is no SOAP interface specification. The SOAP interface is only
used internally and can change between versions (although in practice,
the SOAP interface almost never changes).

That said, you can get the wsdl by connecting to localhost

For example:

Note: the soap interface by default is only accessible from localhost.

See soap.xml for all end-points.

Kind regards,

Martijn Brinkers


On 13-07-18 14:00, Sven Kusig via Users wrote:

exist a WSDL-Document with the possible SOAP-Interface Services and
Types from the Djigzo-Backend ?

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