DKIM signing is not working

I have activated DKIM in the global settings, inheritance for the internal domain is active, DKIM certificate was created, but no DKIM signature is inserted for outgoing mails.
What am I doing wrong?

Kind regards
Dieter Backes

DKIM will only be applied for internal recipients.

Could it be that the recipient domain is not configured as Internal?

Hi Martijn,
we use domain pgp encryption which works great so the internal and external domain settings should be correct.
Inheritance of the dkim settings or manually in the domain settings do not change anything either.

Can you check whether DKIM signing is enabled for the global settings?

If DKIM signing is disabled for the recipient, the MPA log shows the following line:

“DKIM signing is disabled for the recipient(s)”

Like with a lot of settings, the sender and receiver settings are taken into account. If either the sender or receiver settings does not enable DKIM signing, DKIM signing will be skipped. Note that DKIM signing will only be applied for email sent to external recipients.

Hi Martijn,
Thanks for your help.
I must have misunderstood something, if I activate DKIM on the external domain, it works.
But I would like to transmit a DKIM signature to all recipients, how do I configure this without having to create each one?

Best regards

can answer the question myself, in the global settings the inheritance of the locality was deactivated and the value was set to internal, if you set everything to inherit it works.
Many thanks for the support