Djigzo CLI tool - importing XML file / PDF encrypt and S/MIME sign

Ah oke I now understand what you mean. The PDF password is stored
encrypted on the database (it is encrypted with the system password).
When it is retrieved it is however decrypted. The reason why the PDF
password must be stored "plain text" (note the quotes) is that in order
to encrypt the PDF, access to the password is required. It cannot be a
hashed password since the PDF must be encrypted with the real password.
If you want improved security you should use the OTP mode.

Thanks, now I understand.


On 05/31/2012 04:04 PM, Perry Peeters wrote:

I want to send email S/MIME signed and PDF encrypted but Djigzo does only one
of them.
When changing Encrypt Mode in the General settings of that recipient to No Encryption or Allow it will
S/MIME sign, if I set it to Mandatory it will PDF encrypt (with static password).
How can I get Djigzo to do both ?
In the PDF settings I have selected "Encryption allowed"

Select the PDF option "Sign email". This will S/MIME sign the PDF
encrypted email if a valid S/MIME signing certificate is available.

Works like a charm, thanks a lot.