Hi everbody,
we are planing to roll out a Djigzo based box to our customers.
Since we do not want to go to all boxes and add certs whenever a new customer buys the box we are looking into a way to distribute the certs.
I do believe a central directory service is the way to go.
So we are willing to contribute to building such a system. (Since we would build one for our customers anyways)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Andreas Behr
Diplom Informatiker (FH)
Krämer IT Solutions GmbH
Alte Koßmannschule
Koßmannstraße 7
66571 Eppelborn
Tel.: 0 68 81 / 9 36 29 - 70
Fax: 0 68 81 / 9 36 29 - 5 70
Email: andreas.behr(a)kraemer-it.de <mailto:andreas.behr(a)kraemer-it.de>
Homepage: kraemer-it.de <http://www.kraemer-it.de/>
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Krämer IT Solutions GmbH
Koßmannstraße 7
66571 Eppelborn
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Saarbrücken, HRB 14379
Geschäftsführer: Michael Krämer